Athenic UI Documentation


First of all please notice that Athenic UI is a very new project and this documentation is still in development. So you might not find all the things you are looking for. Check out the GitHub Repo or join our Discord Community. We are looking forward to helping you! 😊

Welcome to the world of Athenic UI, a modern design library for the web.
Building beautiful React applications made simple!

Athenic UI is a React based library with modern UI that convinces and amazes. The component library is distinguished by its first-class and completely self-written code. That means zero code from other packages, zero risk of maintenance problems and 100% independence from third parties.


  • ⚛️ React based
  • ✨ Moden UI elements
  • 🤡 Very simple usage
  • 🚫 No third party packages

Get started now!